Working together to make gambling safer

About Us

SG Global is the place for all things Safer Gambling. Built on decades of experience providing training to diverse stakeholders within the gambling and gaming industry, lived experience of gambling harms, and first hand industry experience.

We are proud to work with a wide cross section of the gambling sector, delivering a personalised experience and superior products, across small, medium and large scale projects.

Together we will help make the world a safer place, ensuring that every customer is safeguarded against the harms associated with gambling.

Our Services

Lived Experience

Safer Gambling Training


Lived Experience






Safer Gambling Training - Lived Experience - Consultancy - Outsourcing -

Informed by Lived Experience

At SG Global we believe in learning from and sharing the voices of those with lived experience of gambling harm. This unique insight and knowledge helps us educate those working in the gambling industry to better protect their customers, making gambling safer and more sustainable, whilst reducing harm.

  • "Brilliant session that was well presented, informative and thought provoking."

    Safer Gambling Specialist - Operations

  • "The workshop was well organised, managed and carried out. The presenters were knowledgeable and engaging. I have attended many workshops in my 10 years in the industry and this was one of the best! Well done and thank you all."

    Head of Safer Gambling

  • "The training was very insightful and helpful. Hearing Andy's story really made me realise the impact we have on people's lives and how we can assist them better."

    Responsible Gambling Specialist

  • "Great day! Very poignant and relevant to have people there who have actually suffered from GRH. It was very helpful to be able to ask them questions."

    Retail Operations Manager

  • "I really enjoyed my training it just reiterates the message around our role/industry and how we need to get it right! From recommendations on IRF/SGI's, to giving constructive feedback to retail colleagues. We all have an important part to play!"

    Retail Operations Manager

  • "Fantastic day – having an EBE on each table was a gamechanger for our colleagues – a massive thank you to them all for attending and being so open and honest. Lisa especially amazing for standing on stage and telling her story."

    Player Safety and Compliance Business Partner

  • "The workshop ran really well, the EBEs were great at opening my eyes and seeing from another perspective."

    CDD Officer

  • "Really enjoyed the day, was great to see everyone getting involved, the trainers very easy to talk to and the speakers were fab really hit home."

    Head of Compliance

  • "Informative and compelling. I really cant believe how quick the day went, I cant think of an improvement due to it exceeding my expectations. You are doing a great job!"

    Gaming Manager

  • "A well-delivered, professional, informative and fun training. The lived experience really made us think and understand the impact of gambling harms. Highly recommended."

    Responsible Gambling and Player Protection Officer

  • "It was an excellent workshop, very engaging and most importantly, very human. I wouldn't change a thing."

    Player Safety Manager

Contact Us

Interested in working together? Or want more information?

Send us a message and we will be in touch shortly. We can’t wait to hear from you!