Safer Gambling Training

Safer Gambling Training Programmes

Understanding customer vulnerability in a gambling environment

Enhanced skills for customer interactions

Understanding gambling harms (2-part programme)

Awareness of gambling support services

Understanding safeguarding and managing welfare

Health and wellbeing

Programme Detail

Understanding customer vulnerability in a gambling environment

The aim of this programme is to raise learner awareness of customer vulnerability, in order to support your organisations own Safer Gambling initiatives. Learners will explore what is meant by vulnerability, why it is important to recognise it and how this can help your organisation in fulfilling its corporate responsibilities.

By the end of the programme learners will be able to:

  • define the term ‘vulnerability’

  • describe the purpose and importance of social responsibility

  • understand what is meant by customer vulnerability

  • identify potentially vulnerable groups

  • understand and describe the factors that can trigger vulnerability

  • identify types of vulnerability

Understanding gambling harms (2-part programme)

The first part of this programme explores gambling harms and their impacts within the context of the individuals, families and wider communities. Learners will understand the factors that can make people more vulnerable to gambling harm and how recreational gambling can get out of control.

The second part of the programme is told through the eyes of Joe and his journey through gambling addiction. Learners will be introduced to the work of psychologist Dr Custer to help identify gambling harms in customers.

By the end of this programme learners will be able to:

  • describe gambling addiction therapy

  • describe the different types of gambling harm (GH)

  • define the term gambling harm (GH)

  • identify the three interplayed that cause a loss of gambling control

  • identify the factors than can change a customers relationship to gambling

  • identify the factors that can make someone vulnerable to gambling harms (GH’s), and how this relates to customer profiling

  • identify the GH impact on Joe and his family

  • describe how these interplays can trigger vulnerability

Understanding safeguarding and managing welfare (2-part programme)

This 2-part programme is designed to give learners the information and confidence to identify safeguarding and welfare issues, exploring the legal responsibilities within the gambling industry.

Part A: Safeguarding risk groups focusses on safeguarding issues for children, young people and adults at risk. who need to be referred to social services or the police in an emergency.

Part B: Managing welfare issues relevant to gambling is designed to help learners become more aware of what can make gamblers vulnerable, recognising when someone is at risk off gambling harm and supporting learners in being able to make an appropriate intervention.

By the end of this 2-part programme learners will be able to:

  • describe what is meant by safeguarding and welfare in a gambling context

  • show familiarity with important laws governing safeguarding and welfare in gambling

  • understand the key steps in recognising and responding appropriately to causes for concern

  • describe what steps should be taken where immediate harm is evident and explain how vulnerability and duty of care are defined in the gambling sector

Enhanced skills for customer interactions (2-part programme)

Great communication skills are key to ensuring that your customers remain safe.

Part A: Learners will discover what is meant by enhanced skills for customer interactions, and what these skills are. Learners will see examples of customer interactions and learn the benefits of using enhanced skills.

Part B: Learners will build on the skills from Part A and will explore ways to have better and more meaningful communications with customers.

By the end of this 2-part programme learners will be able to:

  • explain what enhances skills for customer interactions are

  • describe customer interactions where enhances skills could be applied

  • identify examples of enhances skills for customer interactions

  • explain the benefits of using enhances skills in a customer interaction

  • describe the different situations where enhanced skills can help you to support your customers

  • identify and describe the different skills in action

Awareness of Gambling Support Services

The aim of this programme is to give learners the knowledge needed to signpost vulnerable customers towards help and support. Learners will explore the organisations the support gambling and the protections that are available to help customer take control when gambling becomes disordered.

By the end of this programme learners will be able to:

  • explain why knowledge of support services is important to your customers and to you

  • describe the different types of support services available and what they do

  • describe how the support services help people struggling with gambling harms

  • describe some of the barriers that may prevent people from accessing these support services, and how these may be overcome

Health and Wellbeing

The health and wellbeing of employees is of increasing concern to all organisations, and the gambling sector is no exception. Dealing with customers who are expressing heightened and even extreme emotions can take its toll on an individuals mental health and wellbeing. This in turn can represent a risk to the effectiveness of your organisation.

The aim of this programme is to raise awareness of situations that may cause stress or contribute to mental or physical health issues, and to equip learners with tools, tips and techniques to help them to maintain their wellbeing and work life balance.

By the end of this programme learners will be able to:

  • describe what is meant by health and wellbeing

  • identify factors that can negatively impact your health and wellbeing

  • identify resources and tools that can contribute to overall wellbeing by supporting you to be better equipped and more confident about managing daily pressures




Face-to-Face • Online • e-learning •

Let’s make gambling safer together.